Mag.iur. Alexander Aichmayr
Alexander Aichmayr is passionate about building bridges. During his studies, he used to build mnemonic bridges for learning, but now he wants to build bridges between people and thus facilitate interpersonal contacts. He is pursuing this goal in particular as part of his dissertation project, in which he is investigating the feasibility and legal consequences of cooperative multi-party contracts in Austria.
It was already apparent during his studies that he would be interested in this area. His fundamental interest in the field of civil law was recognized early on. This was followed by a position as a legal assistant in a renowned commercial law firm, where he was mainly employed in the area of construction law. However, his first forays into legal research as a student assistant at the Institute for Civil Law, Foreign and International Private Law, as well as at the Institute for Public Law and Political Science, initially focused his interests on research.
Alexander Aichmayr is therefore now a university assistant at the Institute for Civil Law, Foreign and International Private Law. Specifically, he is assigned to the chair of Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Bydlinski. In addition to everything that university work entails, he is particularly involved in the research project “Modernization of the ABGB, especially in terms of language”.