MMag.a iur. Dr. iur. Sabine Ranftl
Sabine Ranftl's path did not lead her directly to law. After studying psychology, she worked in the social sector for several years. However, working with disadvantaged people in particular repeatedly raised legal questions that no one seemed to be able to answer. Sabine Ranftl therefore decided to take a closer look at the law and seek answers herself, and began studying law at the same time. She quickly succumbed to the allure of law; the further and more intensively she immersed herself in the subject, the more fascinated she became.
The fact that this enthusiasm led to a university position in civil law can probably be attributed to chance; after completing her law degree, she was already working at an interface between the social sector and law. She actually more or less stumbled across the job offer. Sabine Ranftl can now research triangular relationships in particular: she is dedicated to accessoriness in surety law and thus the dependence of the surety on the principal debt to be secured.