Assoc. Prof. Mag. iur. Dr. iur. Susanne Kissich
Professor Susanne Kissich has been working at the institute of Civil Law in Graz for many years. She is passionately and dedicatedly involved in teaching and research as well as in university administration, with a particular focus on fostering young academics. She completed her dissertation on international nuclear liability law (at the Institute of Civil Law and the Institute of International Law Graz). In January 2015, she habilitated with her thesis on "Protection of Honor in Private Law" and was appointed Associate Professor in April 2015. From 2016 to 2021, together with Professor Steppan, she maintained a close teaching and research cooperation with the University of Pécs in Hungary, for which they were honored by this university in 2021. Her current research focuses on family law and the protection of personal rights, especially in the digital world.

Assoz. Prof. Mag.iur. Dr.iur. Susanne Kissich
+43 316 380 - 6602
Institut für Zivilrecht, Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht
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