Associate Professor Dr. Ulfried Terlitza
Ulfried Terlitza is passionate about what he does.
This is reflected in his key research areas, such as housing law, property law, inheritance law, product liability law and international sales law, in which his publications regularly meet with a remarkable response from academics and practitioners. Ulfried Terlitza has received an appeal to the University of Linz, is a member of working groups of the Ministry of Justice on current legislative projects, co-editor of the complete commentary (“Gesamtkommentar”, GeKo) on housing law and a member of the editorial board of the “Österreichische Notariatszeitung” as well as being in demand as a lecturer and expert.
However, this is particularly evident in his teaching, in which Ulfried Terlitza always tries to pass on his enthusiasm for his discipline. Ulfried Terlitza has received several teaching awards for this endeavor, he was for example voted best professor 2019/20 and also 2020/21 by the students of Rewi Graz. For the academic year 2023/24 Ulfried Terlitza has even been awarded two teaching prizes: both as the best lecturer in the category lecture and as the best lecturer in the category seminar, practical course, privatissimum.

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- About my great colleagues - see below!
Curriculum Vitae
Awards + prizes
- Teaching Award of the Faculty of Law "Best Lecturer in the Category Lecture in the Academic Year 2023/24" (2024)(link)
- Teaching Award of the Faculty of Law "Best Lecturer in the Category Seminar, Practical Course, Privatissimum in the Academic Year 2023/24" (2024)(link)
- Teaching Award of the Faculty of Law "Best Professor in the Academic Year 2020/21" (2021)(link)
- Teaching Award of the Faculty of Law "Best Professor in the Academic Year 2019/20" (2020)(link)
- Teaching Award of the University of Graz "Teaching: Excellent!" (2015)
- Recognition Award of the University of Graz "Teaching: Excellent!" (2010)
- Josef Krainer Promotion Prize 2001
- Scholarship "Styria 2000"
- Several merit scholarships
University of
- 2019: 1st place on the list for Professorship of Civil Law (basic research, § 99 UG) and appointment to the Johannes Kepler University Linz (not accepted)
- 2019: 2nd place on the list for "Private Law" (§ 99 UG) at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- Associate university professor
- venia docendi for the subject "Civil Law" (habilitation thesis "Miteigentum und Wohnungseigentum - Parallelwelten. A contribution to the nature of the legal community and the system of co-ownership and condominium ownership")
- University assistant in permanent employment (§ 178 BDG, assistant professor)
- University assistant in provisional employment (§ 176 BDG)
- University assistant at the Institute for Civil Law/Civil Law
- (half-time, then three-quarter-time) contract assistant at the Institute for Civil Law
- Study assistant at the Institute for Civil Law (now: Institute for Civil Law, Foreign and Private International Law)
Research (focus; see also research, publications and lectures)
- Housing law (WEG 2002, MRG + ABGB, WGG)
- Property law, in particular co-ownership law
- Law of obligations, special part, in particular tort law
- UN sales law (CISG)
- Inheritance law
- Law of obligations, general part, in particular warranty law
- European private law, in particular European contract and consumer protection law
- Private international law (IPR)
Teaching (for current teaching see courses on UNIGRAZonline)
- Since the winter semester 1995/96: university teaching activities within the framework of the law diploma and doctoral studies (1st, 2nd and 3rd stage of studies; doctoral studies)
- Selection:
- Lectures:
- VO Introduction to Private Law and Civil Procedure Law (1st stage of studies and Bachelor's program)
- VO Selected Chapters of Private Law (1st stage of studies and Bachelor's program)
- VO Property Law (2nd stage of studies)
- VL Credit Security (University of Linz)
- VL Mit- und Wohnungseigentum (University of Linz)
- LV Consumer Protection (University of Krems)
- LV Product Liability and Product Safety in the EU (University of Krems)
- Courses and exercises:
- KS Inheritance Law (2nd stage of studies)
- Case solving practicals
- KS Selected chapters of private law
- Introductory UE
- Seminars:
- SE Residential (property) law (3rd stage of studies, doctoral program)
- SE Property development and condominium contract in practice (3rd stage of studies, doctoral program)
- Moot Court-SE/PK (3rd stage of studies)
- Lectures:
- Lecturer at several universities (Graz, Linz, Krems) and universities of applied sciences
- Since 1995: Member of various university committees (e.g. study commission, faculty college or committee, institute conference, numerous other commissions, university teachers' association, works council) and assumption of university functions
- Currently in particular:
- Coordinator for the Civil Law Moot Court at the Graz Faculty of Law
- Member of expert commissions set up by the Federal Ministry of Justice
- Amendment to residential property law 2023/24
- Amendment to residential property law 2021/22
- Residential property law amendment 2013/14
- Tenancy law reform 2013/14
- January 2002 - September 2002: court internship at the Higher Regional Court of Graz (at the same time half-time university assistant)
- since 1992: active teaching activity (universities, universities of applied sciences, judiciary, lawyers' academy, WIFI)
- since 1992: active lecturing
- since 1992: numerous legal opinions (see research)
- Diploma studies in law at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz (diploma thesis "Fundamentals of warranty law in the Austrian Civil Code")
- Doctoral studies in law at the University of Graz (dissertation "Die Bauwerkehaftung (§ 1319 ABGB)")
- Sacré Cœur elementary school, Graz
- Academic grammar school, Graz (humanistic branch)
Main areas of research
- Housing law, in particular residential property law and tenancy law
- Property law, in particular co-ownership law and security interests in real estate
- Law of obligations - special part, in particular tort law, especially: general liability doctrine, product liability (PHG) and product safety (PSG 2004), motor vehicle liability (EKHG), construction liability (§ 1319 ABGB), road owner liability (§ 1319a ABGB)
- UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
- Succession law
- Law of obligations - general part, in particular warranty law
- European private law, in particular European contract and consumer protection law
- Private international law (IPR)
Current research projects (selection)
- Co-editor and author of the complete commentary on housing law (new edition, Manz publishing house; volume 2, 2nd edition, published in June 2024 - link)
- Editorial board member of the Österreichische Notariatszeitung (ÖGIZIN/Publisher Manz)
- Commentary on the 15th main section of Part 2 of the ABGB (succession law, §§ 797 ff ABGB; published by Verlag Österreich in June 2023 - link)
- Commentary on the Product Liability Act (PHG)(published by LexisNexis in November 2022 - link)
- Lehr- und Handbuch Wohnungseigentumsrecht ( published byManz inJuly 2022 - link)
- Commentary on the UN Sales Convention (Art 1 to 101 CISG) (published byLexisNexis in August 2021 - link)
- Co-ownership and condominium ownership - parallel worlds. A contribution to the nature of the legal community and the system of co-ownership and condominium ownership (habilitation thesis)( published by Manz in May 2021 - link)
Further information on research - see research portal
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.iur. Ulfried Terlitza
+43 316 380 - 3321
Institut für Zivilrecht, Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht,
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz,
Universitätsstraße 15/D4,
8010 Graz, Österreich/Austria
nur nach Vereinbarung via e-mail (Sprechstunde idR Mi, 11.00 - 12.00 Uhr)