Institute Director Gregor Christandl
In research and teaching, the members of the Institute represent not only the entire field of Austrian civil law, but also private international law and civil law, European private law, international commercial contract law and comparative private law. Interdisciplinary research perspectives at the interfaces to constitutional law, economics, psychology and linguistics are also pursued.
Gregor Christandl has been Professor at the Institute for Civil Law, Foreign and Private International Law at the University of Graz since October 2021 and Head of the Institute since 1 November 2024.
About the field of work of Gregor Christandl
More about Prof Christandl and his research

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Work Area
Zentrum für Europäisches Privatrecht
Other Lecturers

Birgit Kienzl Bakk.phil.

Doris Klambauer

Alina Korb

Jaqueline Lang

Petra Sowitsch

Monika Zivkovic
Institute management
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